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Introduction to Feng Shui

These days you everyone talking about Feng Shui and its ease and effectiveness! People often ask me whether Feng Shui is the only thing that influences a person’s luck. The answer is a definite ‘NO’! but of course, I would not hesitate to say that Feng Shui correction, is the easiest way to enhance your personal luck!. There is a great philosophy behind this, called the ‘ Trinity of luck’.

There are three types of lucks (1) Heaven Luck, (2) Earth Luck, (3) Mankind Luck. Heaven Luck is the luck you are born with i.e. the influence of star and planets o your destiny or the retribution or reward you receive for the deeds of your past life. this type of luck is very difficult to change. Mankind luck is the luck that you draw, by really working hard with devotion ad dedication i.e. ‘Karma’. This is the general assumption that each person would do his best. Earth luck is the luck that you draw from the places you live and work in. this part of the trinity of luck is the easiest to correct ad can be totally turned in your favour! This is where Feng Shui comes in .

the most followed school (system) in Feng Shui is the compass school which is mainly based on a combination of the ‘Lo- shu’-

4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6

Magic square and the ‘Pa- Kua’ grid: the Lo- shu square consists of umbers 1 to 9, each number used only once. You may add the numbers in any of the horizontal or vertical line or diagonally, and the answer is always 15! The Pa- Kua grid is a grid of 8 life aspirations. This grid is shown below. People quite often tell me that they know from the articles they read, or from some other similar sources, that there are specific areas in their house corresponding to wealth, career, fame, children, elders, helpful people, knowledge and marriage. But the problem is that they don’t know where these areas are exactly located I their house. No one has so far written about it. Today, I am revealing this to the readers! This is something they can easily use to assess their house on their own, the 8 life aspirations are located I different compass directions of your house, and this is shown clearly on the Pa- Kua diagram that I have drawn.

Wealth (wood), Fame (fire), Marriage (earth)

Elders & Superiors (wood),      ,Creativity & children (metal)

Knowledge & Education (earth), Career (water), Helpful Friends (metal)

Example: Fame area is in the south zone of your house, wealth corner is south- east, marriage corner is south- west, etc. Readers ca use this grid ad place it over the plan of there is a toilet in the Fame area or a cut in it, the you may suffer from ill fame or bed name. if there is a cut in the north zone of your house or if there is a toilet or kitchen in that zone, then your career will have difficulties! A kitchen/ toilet in the area of helpful friends results in not having any mentors or helpful people around you, in your difficult times. Such effects will be visible, but this is not everything. There are certain lucky and unlucky areas and directions for each person in the house. This set lucky and unlucky directions and locations for each person is calculated astrologically from the person’s date of birth and hence certain directions are lucky for some people and unlucky for other. One man’s food can be another man’s poison!

Each location on the Pa- Kua of your house also has an element attached to it., e.g., the area is in the south and its element is fire. Hence, the placement of a fountain or a fish tank here will have bad result, as water destroys fire. Placement of planets in this location is good as wood enhance fire! Placement of red color articles also is good here, as the color red is symbolic of fire. The general wealth corner is the south- east corner of your home and the element here is wood you may enhance it by placing four healthy Jade plants. Avoid any metal object like scissors, knives, etc. on display here as metal destroys (cuts) wood. Apart from this, another important location, a “sheng chi” direction, i.e. prosperity location, exists I each house but this varies from person to person. This is calculated from their date of birth according to Feng Shui astrology.

Detailed personal astrological calculations are beyond the scope of this book and from a part of a professional Feng Shui audit of a place. Such an audit by a highly experienced Feng Shui consultant is very necessary in case of serious problems in a house, but minor problems can be easily corrected and the situation can be improved by following easy measures detailed in this book.

Directions, Elements, colors and Enhancing Objects

Wood (green) planets, pictures of green forest., Fire (red) lights, red color picture, Earth (yellow, beige) Mountains, globe crystals, ceramics object.

Wood (green) trees,       ,Metal (silver, gold white) metallic objects 7 rod Windchimes.

Earth (yellow, beige) mountain, globe crystal, ceramic objects., Water (blue, black) fish tanks water pictures., Metal (silver, Gold white) Metallic objects 6 rod Windchimes.

Cycle of Elements

According to Feng Shui, there are five elements in nature. These are wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

These elements are inter- related I two ways, which means that there are two types of cycles of these elements. The productive cycle and the destructive cycle. You can see in the above sketch that wood produces fire, which means that you can produce fire by burning wood.

Fire in turn produces earth, because the fire burns and creates ash (earth).

Earth produces metal, because metal is mined from the earth.

Productive Cycle of Elements

Metal produces water; this is said because metal can be melted and the it acquires liquid state like water.

Water produces wood because by watering only we can grow planets!

A beginner may take a while to understand the cycle of elements, but once you understand it properly, it is very easy to use it for enhancing your house.

Destructive cycle of elements

In the above destructive cycle diagram, you can easily see that wood destroys earth, because trees grow on earth and suck away all minerals and leave the earth barren.

Fire destroys metal, because fire melts the metal.

Earth destroys water, because earth (mud) absorbs all the water, when it rains.

Metal destroys woods, because implements made of sharp metal can cut the trees.

Water destroys fire, because water can put off any fire.

Understanding these two cycles of production and destruction of elements will help you understand the reasoning behind many enhancing measures that have been described in this book.