Hogweed (Gadhahpurna), Uses and Benefits, Buy Gadhahpurna online at Astroshastra , Delhi India

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Hogweed (Gadhahpurna)

Also known as

Latin : Boerrhavia diffusa
English : Hogweed
Sanskrit : Punarnava
Hindi : Gadhahpurna, Sant
Marathi : Ghetuli
Tamil : Mukkurattai
Telugu : Attamamidi
Malayalam : Tavilama
Kannada : Sanadika
“Always praised" is the meaning of the Sanskrit name Punarnava

How it looks—It is a diffuse perennial herb with a stout root stock and many branches, typically seen with the onset of monsoon. The leaves are rounded or subcordate, whitish beneath and the flowers are pale pink, small and found in irregular clusters. The fruits are small, easily detachable and one-seeded.

What we use—Whole plant

What it does—It is cooling, anthelmintic, astringent, diuretic, aphrodisiac, cardiac stimulant, diaphoretic, emetic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge, laxative and tonic.

How we use it

In swellings—Whether due to kidney or heart disease, it shows a remarkable decrease in swelling of the hands, feet, face or the entire body. Take a decoction of the roots or whole plant twice a day for increase in urine output and reduction of swelling.

As a diuretic and aphrodisiac—It removed obstruction to urination and is cooling to the system. It is therefore useful in cases of dysuria, urinary stones, burning urination apart from serving as a tonic to the urino-genital system.

In hard unripe abscesses—Make a decoction of the root of the white variety of hogweed and take twice a day to bring the abscess to ripening so as to facilitate draining of pus.

In all skin disorders—Make a paste of the root with the supernatant (floating) water on yogurt and apply on itching, discoloured or flaky skin patches to effect quid healing.

In fevers—Take a tsp of the dried and powdered hogweed roots with warm water or warm milk twice a day to bring down fevers, especially those accompanied with burning sensation.

In eye disorders—Hogweed can be used in a variety of ways for eye diseases just by pasting it with various substances and instilling a few drops in the eyes everyday.

1. In itching - with milk

2. In constant watering and other discharges - with honey

3. In unsteady vision and whitish patches on the cornea - with ghee

4. In immature cataract - with oil

5. In night blindness - with rice wash

In rheumatic disorders—Especially in painful joints accompanied by swellings, hogweed can be used as a curry included in everyday diet. This removes constipation, promotes urination and reduces swelling and pain.

In fevers—Boil the powdered root of hogweed in milk and drink twice a day before your meals to reduce temperature and malaise.