Procreative Power in horoscope as per Indian Astrology
The man's strength for impregnation depends on the Sun and the strength of the semen on Venus. The sound condition of the ovary in females is indicated by the Moon while the
fitness of the ovum is shown by Mars. The conception takes place when the seed is healthy and the soil is fertile.
1) The positions of the Sun and Venus in odd signs in male horoscopes with odd navamsas and the Moon and Mars in even signs with even navamsas in female charts indicate their
ability to procreate.
2) When lord of 7th occupies the constellation of Saturn or Mercury, and Sat-Mercury are in their own constellations or Sat in constellation of Merc, and Merc, in that of Saturn,
or Saturn, Mercury occupy weak places, their is no procreative power.
3) If the planet, in whose constellation 7th lord tenants, is weak, the procreative power becomes weak.
4) The lagna in the woman's chart falling in a trikona as reckoned from the 7th house of the man's chart or in a trikona counted from the position of the 7th lord of male chart
is congenial for getting children.
5) There will be deficiency in male in getting children if in his chart (i) Venus is within 1° of Sun; (ii) 7th lord is posited with Venus in 6th; (iii) Venus, severely afflicted
in 8th; (iv) 8th house; 8th lord and sign Scorpio all afflicted; (v) 8th lord, Sun, Moon, afflicted by RK axis, Saturn, Mercury or if they are in the stars of these planets,
(vi) If there is close conjunction of Saturn Neptune; Saturn Kethu; Saturn, Mercury; Sun, Venus, or Sun Neptune and also these planets are in the constellations of Saturn, Mercury
or Rahu or are posited in signs Virgo or Capricorn.
6) There will be deficiency in female in getting children if in her chart (i) Kethu is in 5th or is with 5th lord; (ii) Mercurian lagna and Moon in trimsamsa of Saturn;
(iii) Saturnine lagna and Moon in trimsamsa of Mercury; (iv) 7th lord and Mars in 6th or lagnesh or chandresh in 6th with Mars or aspected by Mercury;
7) Virility in man is termed beeja sphuta while fecundity in woman is kshetra sphuta.
Lagnesh, benefics and lords of favourable houses in 7th or in trikona from sphutas are considered highly beneficial for progeny. The two sphutas are determined as follows:
1) Beeja sphuta: In the case of a male, add the longitudes of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter. If the sum reveals an odd sign and an odd navatnsa, and gets conjoined with or aspected
by benefics, virility is assured. If it is in odd sign in natal chart and in even sign in navamsa chart or vice versa, then virile power is limited and the male is in need of
medical treatment or upayes and gets an issue after delay and difficulty. If it falls in even signs in both, then the native has no virile power or the seed is defective.
Another method is to multiply the Sun's longitude by 4 and longitudes of Venus and Jupiter by 3 and to add up the three results. The total shows the beeja sphuta.
2) Kshetra sphuta: In case of a female, add the longitudes of Jupiter, the Moon and Mars. If the total reveals even rasis and even navamsa, then the soil is fertile; if it is in
odd sign in natal chart and in even sign in navamsa chart or vice versa, children are assured after much delay and difficulty or after medical treatment and upayas. If it falls in
odd signs in both the chart then the soil is not fertile and the female is unable to produce children.
These sphuta rasis should be free from the influence of malefics or hermophridite or barren planets. Rahu should not be in beej sphuta or in 5th rasi from it.
The effects of Mars aspect on 5 th is to destroy the progeny and that of Saturn is that the native will
not derive happiness from children.
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