Combinations of Cirrhosis (cancer of liver) of liver
Any affliction in the 5th house with a connection a 6th house indicates cirrhosis of liver.
1. Jupiter, Saturn in 5th.
2. Jupiter as 5th lord and 5th house afflicted by Rahu, Kethu.
3. 5th lord with a trik lord.
4. Saturn, Mars and 5th lord together especially in a trik bhava.
5. Sun, Mars combine with 5th lord.
6. Afflicted Jupiter in 10th house.
7. 5th house form the navamsa lagna afflicted by Saturn or Rahu.
8. Moon hemmed in between malefics and Sun is in Capricorn.
9. Moon hemmed between two malefics and Saturn is in the seventh house.
10. A malefic Jupiter in lagna or in a trik bhava.
11. Lords of lagna and eight houses with Jupiter.
12. Lord of lagna second lords and fourth lords in one house and afflicted.
13. Lord of lagna in 6th houses along with Jupiter.
14. Lagna lord, fourth lord and Jupiter in one house and afflicted
15. The Moon and Mars in 6th give jaundice.
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