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Planetary Combinations of insanity, mental diseases

1. Malefics in 4th or 5th (in malefic shashtiamsha) and not aspected by benefics.

2. If lord of 8th is in navamsa of Cancer or Capricorn, death due to insanity.

3. Jupiter in lagna and Mars in the 7th indicate a lunatic or a fool.

4. Weak Moon with Saturn in the 12th indicates a lunatic or a fool.

5. Saturn in lagna and Mars in the 5th, 7th or 9th indicate a lunatic or a fool.

6. Moon and Mercury in kendras aspected by malefics or malefics in 5th or 8th.

7. Moon and Rahu in conjunction, aspected by Saturn.

8. Mercury in 6th or 8th or 12th with a node without benefic aspect.

9. Sun in lagna and Mars in the 7th.

10. Saturn in lagna and Mars in 7th or a trine.

11. Jupiter in 1st and Saturn or Mars in the 7th.

12. The Moon with a malefic and with Rahu in 5th, 8th or 12th.

13. Sun, Moon, Mars in lagna or in 8th aspected by a malefic.

14. Mars and Saturn in 6th or 8th and Jupiter in trikona.

15. Jupiter in 3rd and afflicted.

16. Rahu, Moon in lagna and malefics in trikona.

17. Moon, Mars and Saturn in 8th house.

18. Afflicted Rahu in lagna or in 8th house. Related Links : 

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