Pitra Dosha its reasons and Remedies
Karmic astrology says, most of the people are born in the same family lines with same friends and same enemies in so many of their lives until their Karmic debts,
duties and rewards are all cleared from that particular group of people or group of Souls.
So, when you ask What is Pitra Dosha ?
It is a Karmic Debt of the ancestors which the person having this Dosha in his/her horoscope is supposed to pay.
It is formed in the horoscope of a person due to bad Karmas or bad deeds done by the Ancestors of that person and this person is supposed
to pay that Karmic debt by suffering the punishments decided for those debts in different spheres of his life until the debt is cleared
either by punishment or by the good deeds done by the person having Pitra Dosh in his horoscope. Theory of Karmic debt say as we inherit
material benefits of our parents and ancestors similarly, the good or bad things earned, owned and owed by the parents or forefathers are
passed on to the children of the family.
An Ancestor suitable for the punishment of the Karmic debt of a family according to the bad Karmas done by him in his previous lives, is
sent on earth to pay those debts and bear the punishments. And as this person does good or bad deeds in his present life, it contributes
to the negative or positive .

Vedic Astrology explains the Pitra’s as our ancestors and it occurs when the soul of our ancestors and departed forefathers does
not get peace. There are reasons given in our ancient text about the reasons of pitra Dosha in Horoscope :
1. Bad deeds/karma of our ancestors in earlier life, knowingly or unknowingly, embarrassing their souls,
2. Bad deeds/bad karma of children, knowingly or unknowingly, embarrassing the soul of ancestors,
3. Lack of fulfillments of parental desires of our ancestors.
4. A sudden and unnatural death of any relative ancestors in early age.
5. If someone fails to remember and honour the ancestors properly.
6. If certain wishes are remained attached with the soul of the ancestors, etc.
It occurs if any ancestors up to the 7th generation on the father’s side and up to the 4th
generation on the mother’s side have expired at an early age or have had an unnatural death. Curses of forefathers can cause
serious health problems which may become so complicated that medical practitioners may fail to diagnose the disease and medicine
prescribed may become totally ineffective.
Effects of Pitra Dosh
There are some signs and methods given in the ancient texts, which help a person in identifying Pitra Dosh. Following are the most important
signs to identify the existence of Pitra Dosh.
1. Children are falling sick repeatedly.
2. The couple has problem in conceiving the child, i.e. problem in getting pregnant.
3. Repeated miscarriages.
4. Quarrels among family members without any reasonable reason
5. The person’s educational and career growth is obstructed
6. Disruption in educational and career growth and success
How To identify Pitra dosha in Kundali
9th house in a horoscope is called house of dharma, father. When 9th house is under influence of malefic planets, this shows the lack of fulfillment of paternal
desire. Natural malefic planets like sun, mars, Saturn, may be yogakarak for some lagnas, but rahu and ketu are always malefic for all lagnas.
when 9th house, 9th lord, 9th house from the moon or the lord of 9th from the moon is under influence of rahu and ketu this indicates Pitra Dosh.
If in your chart
both the 9th house and 9th lord is under influence of rahu-ketu. This is definitely Pitra dosh.
You can get your Horoscope Analysed to know whether you have Pitra Dosha in your horoscope or not ?
Know about Pitra Paksha , when the remedies are to Performed ..
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