Over-powering, virtuous, famous, intelligent, profoundly versed, with many friends, engaged in virtuous
pursuits, doing good to others, wealthy, consistent in love, soft- spoken, chief of his family, fickle-minded.
1. According to the Saravali:
(a) Lagna: Broad-chested, good-looking, blessed with wife, friends and children.
(b) Fourth house: Equivalent to a king, a minister, illustrious, highly learned.
(c) Seventh house: Learned, equal to a king, very skilled, a trader, very wealthy.
(d) Tenth house: Scholar, wealthy, haughty, renowned, re�spected by all.
(e) Ninth house: Distinguished, fortunate, wealthy, con�tented in all circumstances.
2. Additional features from the Manasagari: Moon-Jupiter con�junction confers on the native good health, strength and everlasting wealth.
3. The Moon-Jupiter conjunction is one form of the celebrated Gaja-Kesari yoga which results from the Moon and Jupiter occupying kendra positions from each other. While
conjunc-tions, in general, are not favourable for financial prosperity, the Moon-Jupiter conjunction and the Sun-Moon conjunc�tion are exceptions.