Deodar, Devdar Uses and Benefits, Buy devdar powder online at Astroshastra , Delhi India

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Also known as

Latin : Cedrus deodara
English : Deodar
Sanskrit : Devadaru
Hindi : Devdar
Marathi : Deodara
Telugu : Tevataram
Tamil : Devadari
Malayalam : Devataram
Kannada : Devadari
How it looks—It is a. tall graceful coniferous tree with black, furrowed bark found in the Himalayas. The cones are found at the end of branches, with pale brown seeds. The heartwood of deodar is yellowish brown turning brown on exposure. It is oily, fragrant and strong.

What we use—Leaves, heartwood, oil

What it does—Leaves—anti-inflammatory, antitubercular,

Heartwood—anthelmentic, digestive, carminative, cardiotonic anti inflammatory, diuretic, expectorant, antiseptic.

Oil—antiseptic, depurative, diuretic.

How we use it

In hiccough and breathlessness—Make a decoction with pieces of deodar wood and drink twice a day to clear airways and soothe the diaphragm which causes hiccough.

In wounds, leprosy, syphilis—Being antiseptic and antiphlogistic, it is used externally as a hot paste with water. It is also a well-known blood purifier and deodar oil can be taken internally in the above cases.

In filariasis—Make a paste of deodar with some mustard oil and apply on the affected part to fight obstruction to the vessels and reduce swelling. Deodar is especially recommended in glandular diseases.

As a diuretic—Drink the decoction of deodar wood twice a day to promote urination and clear urinary obstruction. This decoction is also used with great benefits in fever.

Modern Study

The oil of deodar was found to possess significant anti-inflammatory activity in experimental studies.